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February 08, 2008


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thank you for replying so quickly... So you are going to argentina next month? thats so great. Actually we are thinking of going in end of May , beginning of June..However, it might be too cold..what do you think? My son is graduating from Medical school and we wanted to go on a family trip to Cordoba where I was born and many cousins and family are still there. I have not been in argentina since 1975,,, A long time..Please if you do go don't forget to look into torta de Ojaldre..

This looks sinfully delicious! I love dulce de leche - everyone here in Brazil does, actually! :)

Thanks, everyone for your comments!
Bev,you can use plain old milk and sugar-it's recipe #1. It turns out about the same! Delicious.

Your photograph here is so beautiful and sexy! Geez, this is what everyone must call food porn. Your information and recipes about Argentina are so interesting! Thank you.

Do you have to use condensed milk to make this? It looks beautiful in your photo!

Looks delicious!


I'm guessing that my sweets-loving husband is going to post this on the fridge so that one of us will make it! Lovely photo.

Mmm mmm mmm ... I've been a fan of dulce de leche for a long time, but I have to admit that Haagen Dazs's application is a personal fave. I've always been morbidly curious about the boiling-can method, but I think I'll not tempt fate just yet.

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