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June 28, 2008


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The filling technique you used makes homemade ravioli waaay easier than trying to fill individual molds, thanks for the idea! And you're right, homemade is so much better than anything you get at the grocery store.

Que ricoooooooooooossss!!!!, me encanta las pastas rellenas y sobre todo caseras, no me digas que no es un placer hacerlas en casa?, te felicito, quedaron maravillosos!!!

Nothing beats homemade pasta, such a delight.

Before I started my own pasta I had the same thinking line Now is a relaxing for me and I create a lot of stuffed, I love do it
Ps I am glad to find you

It is a lot of work but so worth it. I haven't done it in years. You make it look so easy. Beautiful Blog, I have been reading your posts for a while and liking your writing.

they look delicious! ohhh i can feel my stomach trying to eat itself! :P your pictures always make me so hungry. i wish there were more artisan cookware stores here. i have yet to see a ravioli pin in real life :(

The more you make it, the easier it gets! Keep on trying, those look amazing. Pretty soon you'll be making only homemade pasta for dinner!!

Yummy! Looks delicious and the photos make me think I can actually do it - one of these days I will try. (by the way, even though I had an Italian neighbor who used to make homemade paste all the time, I still have that notion that one must really have way too much free time to be able to make homemade pastas).

Ahh, the mere mention of Saveur sends me to food heaven. I don't think I've met a person who doesn't like ravioli...when may I come for a tasting?

Making ravioli is one of those things that I'm glad to know how to do, but hardly ever do. When you know how to make something by hand, you also know how to shop for good quality store-bought. And I'm lucky to live in Rhode Island, land of the great Italian ravioli. Yes, I'm a bit lazy in the raviol department!

Wow! Looks delicious!


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