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February 13, 2012


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One of my faves and you made them so beautiful


I just tried making the dulce de leche for these alfajores via the recipe off your blog, and while I'm sure it's my fault, I really screwed it up (my mom usually has dulce de leche in the house and I've never actually had to make it, so I opted to make it all the way from scratch rather than the canned method). Could you possibly amend your recipe to include more specifics (or snap a picture of two of the process)? Are we supposed to stir it as it cooks? I did. Some recipes (like Alton Brown's) specify not to stir the foam at the top in, so I'm not sure if that was my error or not. Mine cooked for two hours (in an AllClad pot) and then suddenly burned very rapidly on the bottom, ruining the whole thing. Thanks!

I made these last Valentine's Day but I made pink! Everybody loved them.

i made these once at my old job and was instantly obsessed!! thanks for putting up a recipe for them!

These look absolutely delicious. Can't wait to make these for my Father-in-law who's Argentinian. He'll be so happy!

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