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April 04, 2012


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Nices pictures for nice recipe.
Thanks, a french cooker

Hi Rebecca, its funny how a few months ago I came upon your website and today, i come across it again by accident. I have lived in Argentina for 16 years, my parents being from there. Now living here going on 23 years, you start missing the things that were so day to day things...Today I have made for the first time "Rosca de Reyes" and to my surprise it was very much what I remembered it tasting like.! WOW
I just also remembered it having some form of "sugar" along side with the custard. Would you know how to make it?
You are part of my "favorites" now, so I will be reading more of what you post and seeing what you have....Happy Easter from a new follower....Daphne

Excellent tips dear Rebecca.

I wish you and your family a Happy Easter/Feliz Pascua.


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