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November 13, 2012


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This sounds like a great read! I am a former South Floridian who discovered the awesomeness of Argentinian food and pastery. I try to re-create what I can here in the midwest with limited availability to the key ingredients, but when i get the recipe's right.... oh man, all enjoy the tasty treats! I love the recipe's on your blog!

Even if I don't win this book, I will definitely pick up a copy. I have yet to explore Argentina physically, but I can't wait to go. My husband's patents were Argentine nationals - and it's through his stories of his childhood (he was born in New Jersey, but has traveled there often), my introduction to foods and the wine - oh the wine!
Thank you for offering this book - I can only imagine the vineyards growing the fruit nestled against the backdrop of the Andeś. One day, I will walk through them in person.

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